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2019 Fall and Recent Call Conference Materials

  • 19 Nov 2019
  • 9:00 AM
  • 30 Nov 2028
  • 4:00 PM
  • n/a



The 47th Annual CLA Fall Conference Materials and the 5th Annual Recent Call Conference Materials can be purchased. Details to download the materials will be emailed with purchase receipt.

Fall Conference materials included:

  1. Don’t Blow It: Impaired Litigation in the Wake of Bill C-46
  2. Three’s a Crowd: Sexual Assault Litigation in the Wake of Bill C-51
  3. Not Every One’s a Winner: Prison Conditions and Parole
  4. Cultural Assessments Reports for Black Clients in Sentencing and Bails
  5. Key Considerations When Representing Aboriginal Clients
  6. Litigating Search Warrants in the Shadow of Step Six
  7. Dealing Effectively with Concurrent Criminal and Regulatory Proceedings
  8. Keynote: No Kill Bill C-75 – Now What?
  9. What’s Yours is Mine: Getting Paid Through Alternative Means
  10. Decoding Digital Evidence
  11. Emerging Developments in DNA Technology – transference and trace evidence
  12. Top 15 Cases
  13. Ethical Dilemmas: I can’t do that! Don’t ask me to do that! Here’s why I did that!

Recent Call Conference materials included:

  1. Challenges of Criminal Practice: Managing Your Mental Health and Wellness 
  2. Keys to a Thriving Practice: Management, Organization, Billing and more
Materials pricing (both conferences materials are included):
  • $40 plus HST: CLA members
  • $65 plus HST: Non-members


Please note that CPD credits cannot be claimed for only purchasing the materials. Attendance to each specific conference was required in order to claim.

Criminal Lawyers’ Association

189 Queen Street East, Suite 1
Toronto, ON M5A 1S2
P. 416-214-9875

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